Friday, November 21, 2008


Pictures taken by : Keyvon Kianfar

We played a really kick ass show in Denver thanks to all of you guys !
Denver is now in our top 5 cities to play again !

What you don't hear about :
Poya our new guitar player got pulled over by the cops twice ...
The funny thing is that Poya doesn't even drive. He barely knows how to start a car !
Long story short , he had to drive home someone who was really drunk. The crazy thing is that the second cop who pulled him over ended up guiding them towards their destination while he was following in the car. What a nice cop !
We don't even know how he got himself in such a situation ...well, we do know actually haha; but there's just stuff you cant write about on a blog ! I wish I could though , its a pretty unbelievable story.
we're all very very glad that he didn't get arrested.
maybe cause he's so nice to everyone !?
[Instead of an Id/drivers licence he showed an expired Iranian passport hahahahahaha ...]


We said goodbye to The Sisters for a couple of days , we're not gonna be playing Vancouver,Seattle and Portland with them. We'll be joining them again on November 26th for our show at the Grand ballroom in San Francisco.
See you there.
